
I am so aware of what 5G, even 4G does to us. So are those forcing them on us. I wince when on pulic transportation seing a little one in her strollr holding a tablet in front of her face. I keep my landline for that reason, but as tech-ignorant as I am, I do believe those too are wireless technology, not the landlines of yesteryear. Still, emf will have to get in line as the reason for our demise. All the shit they put in our food - and I can't believe it, but they aree talking about putting mRNA into the already itainted meat supplied to Amerikans if they don't have the wherewithal to buy directly from farms, which is the majority of people. Looks like 40 is now the new 80.

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I am sorry, but there is so little good in this world today. So much meanness, so much selfishness. So yes, I don't expect every person I meet, every person I don't meet, to be a saint, to sacrifice him/herself for the good-of-all. I shouldn't have published his letter as I have few people who even read what I write and the one who does focuses on the fact that he's distributing cell phones. And you feel that negates all the good that he's responsible for. Whether or not he distributes them, they're not going anywhere, at least not now. And If they destroy the earth, they'll have to get in line because it looks to me like the human race is on a speeding train to suicide one way or another. I worked for the City of Seattle. I also worked for the feds for awhile. I tried to do good despite that. I am but one person, as are we all. You have no idea what this man has been put through, but personally, I would like to see him leave Seattle. We all do what we have to do to survive,, and maybe we should all be saying the Hippocratic Oath with our jobs, instead of it just being lip service for doctors. For too many if they ever had a soul, it's long been dead (I think that's where bureaucrats come from). For some, in a world increasingly hostile, we manage to hold on to our humanity. I know you would like to see cellphones banned, and so would I. Ben is very bright and very aware, but being younger, I'm not sure he sees cell technology in the same way, most younger people don't.. And yes, there are things I wouldn't do for money, such as turniiing down a job working at a collections agency - or working topless in a bar in the 70',, both I consider exploitative an harmful but perhaps not lethal. So is distributing cell phones equivalent to selling zyklon B to the Third Reich? Or how about those poisoning our water with fluoride and god-knows-what-else? It's not the ones who make the money who do the work, it's working people. Ben is the kind of person who is very loved and has a lot of supporters in Seattle. Unfortunately, the bureaurcracy is not among his fanss. Every step he takes, there's a bureaucrat there attempting to trip him, stifle him or stop him. They have an agenda apparently to destroy Seattle and he interferes with that. They want him gone anyway they can -currently patently illegally. The City destroyed his liveliihood and, what they did is straight out of the Third Reich Playbook. He had a complete breakdown. He is doing what he has to right now to survive. He is not responsible for the breakdown of society. Even cellphones aren't. They are only a symptom. And, yes, I'm well aware of the harm they cause. The Hopi prophecies say we re in the fourth world, heading to the fifth. The previous three worlds were destroyed when people became evil and corrupt. Maybe it's something we can't change. I don't know. I know I can't and I'm pretty sure Ben can't and sorry, neither can you. I write to try to make a difference but hardly anyone reads what I write, not that it would make a difference anyway. Jerry Mander said that in a capitalist society the only criteria you need for putting something on the marrket is will it make a profit. He said that in a sane society the health of society would be the determining factor. And if that were the case, we wouldn't even have TV. Kali Yuga, which lasts thousands of years,, is said to be ending in 2025. The four Vedic Yugas go from heaven to hell., from complete consciousness to complete self-unawareness. So we are in the "hell" cycle - a short definition: " Men and women are steeped in unrighteousness. Every virtue has been engulfed by the sins of Kali Yuga, all good books disappeared. Imposters promulgate a number of creeds which they had invented out of their own wit. The people have all fallen prey to delusion and all pious acts have been swallowed by greed.". It's what gives me hope that no matter the stupidity, the callousness and self-delusion of our so-called leaders, somehow the human race will survive to thrive and live and to love another day. And those of us alive today, astrologically, have chosen this time because we have the strength to be witnesses to this debacle -or perhaps to help turn it around.... Like the prayer says, we should act to change what we can but learn to accept that which we can't change.. A miracle could happen and it could all change tomorrow. Our government gone, replaced by an evolved human race that finally wakes up. But it won't be Ben or me or you that can create that. It will be because it's time for it to happen. And whether we're here or not when it does, I believe it will.

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Ben is my son-in-law - and also a Sagittarius. He's unbelievable! Also does most of the cooking for Jasmine (my daughter). I hope you can also share it since you live in the same State. There's nothing like light to make the roaches scurry! Most any day around 6:00 pm est (or dst) works for me. I miss our conversations. I'm being afflicted by Mars right now, and it's been one thing after anothr. Injuries and arguments ongoing for three weeks. I'm happy to say the influence is waning - at least I hope.

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Wow, I'd not heard of Ben Gant before, but I agree wholly with your assessment!

Whatta guy! Maybe I should go work for him! I think I'm being black-balled over here in Kitsap...

Anyway, great post, Dubblette! I mush call you... let's find a good time!

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Mar 8Liked by dubbydove1@yahoo.com

PS, I'm going to share this post, and I'll just let you know now, that CELL PHONES are like the open door to murder... 5G has to be stopped, and cell phones have to go. Sorry, but I don't see how we can continue them and be healthy (or maybe even ALIVE). Anyway, all the rest is beautiful.

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I agree with you about cell phones, but how do you suggest we get ridd of them? The government doesn't give a sht if you starve to death while sleepiiin on concrete in a city with no toilet facilities. But they are bound and determined to make sure we all have cell phones! Those are free if you can't pay! Just don't eat your free phone!

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There's a REASON, actually more than one, why the Govt wants us to have cell phones... I can think of two right off hand, no three:

They can TRACK YOU

The phones IRRADIATE YOU, all the time.

They can SPY on what you're doing/saying

Not to mention the excuse for putting SHITLOADS of 5G towers and now SATELLITES into our lives... There is nowhere on this planet anymore that is without some level of EMF's...

This is a cull. This is not a drill. Convenience is the bait.

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I know you know these things-- I'm saying them in case someone ELSE doesn't know...


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Ben does a lot of good. He has been through a lot thanks to the callous and anti-democratic policies of the City of Seattle. You have no idea. He, like too many of us, is trying to survive as best he can. Whether or not he provides these phones is not going to prevent the government from dispensing even one. but having made it impossible for him to support himself the way he was, he is currently doing this so that he doesn't add to the horrific homeless population living in tents in downtown Seattle. Sometimes we have to make choices. We know they're bad, but we still all use them don't we? I'm sure the U.S. gov't does not mean us well by distributing them, but I seriously doubt that whether or not they're paid for, they all are under gov't control. I have one myself, as we are currently living in a society that makes it difficult not to have one. He also recently managed to find housing for a 76 year old Native woman who was living on the street. This is the kind of thing he does for so many and that's what I focus on.

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Mar 9Liked by dubbydove1@yahoo.com

Of course, I understand he is doing amazing, good things. Bless his heart!

But you are missing the point by focusing, strictly, on the good things he does. That is my point. You don't know, he doesn't know, but the US GOVT DOES KNOW that if we don't address the issue of 5G, and stop the cell phone use, WE. ARE. TOAST.

LIFE ON EARTH. It's down to that, quite possibly, and perhaps far easier than we imagine. It's destroying our planet NOW. What happens when all these satellites are in place?


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